This enraged the great orange cow. "I AM SPUNKY!!" It growled and charged at the group. The Kirstyn bot got in the way and pressed a third button on its watch-like device. This shot some sort of oozy substance at the great orange cow, but when the substance hit the cow's hair, it was so greasy that it slid right off, having no effect on the cow. The Kirstyn bot mumbled a few inappropriate phrases, then unhooked a new, mysterious device from her leg as the Flabby Eatsalotoffood got closer and closer. Then Flabby impacted the Kirstyn bot at full speed, just as the Kirstyn bot activated the device and stunned the cow.
The cow flopped over on its side. "Problem is, we can't kill her. She created some sort of chemical for immortality and we have yet to figure out the equation to reverse it." the Kirstyn bot sighed.
"So how come she almost took out the entire future human race?" Moosey asked.
"Well, in the future almost everyone accepts homosexuals, ugly people, fat people, and even fat, ugly, homosexuals with open arms. But Flabby couldn't have that. About five years ago, from the point I came from in 3045, Flabby started up this cult against pretty much the entire planet. In this cult Flabby brought up the old religion of one God, who we believed to have died in 2858. And she got people to believe that this God was still around and that he was an angry God that was so mean to humans that he made gay, ugly, and fat people. No one thought anything of it at the time, because that's obviously the stupidest thing anyone can possibly believe."
"That's horrible! How could anyone believe that?" Cheeko cut in. "We should kick her."

The gang just looked at Flabby's stunned body on the ground, disgusted at her sick beliefs and wondered if she was going to effect this time period like she did in the future...