Monday, December 20, 2010

...get created.

May 18, 2009. That is the date the character in my mind finally came to life on paper during my College Prep English II class in my sophomore year of high school. Then, four stories later...the story "died"...rather awakened(haha, get it? will in about 4(actually, 5 since one was waaay to long to fit in one blog) blogs). After May 26 of that same year, no more new stories of Moosey had been written... until last week. I decided, that in celebration of my final free write for my C.P. English IV class of the semester, I'd write a brand new Moosey story. And that is when the idea of this blog started. A blog entirely dedicated to Moosey and the crazy adventures he has. The first four(cough*five*cough) blogs or so will be of the early stories already written...just typed up and posted for your memory's sake. So...enjoy.

Tyler Thomas VanOstrand, the first

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